Baldness problems mainly affect men over the age of forty. Some types of baldness can be pathological, occurring in people of all ages. Is there a way to permanently stop baldness and regain your hair?
Baldness…where does the problem come from?
There are many myths about the connection between genetics and the baldness problem. One popular myth is that hair loss in men is passed on from the mother’s side, while baldness in women is passed on from the father’s side; however, the truth is that baldness genes are actually passed on from both sides of the family.
Hair genes can also skip generations and sometimes act completely randomly. They can even have very different effects on siblings in the same family. For example, if one brother lost his hair quickly, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the other will also experience baldness.
The type of hair loss that is passed down through genetics is known as androgenetic alopecia, better known as male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness usually begins at the hairline, causing loss first on the forehead and temples. It can occur as early as the teens or early 20s, and usually works backwards from the temples to eventually cause partial or complete baldness on the top and sides of the scalp. Female pattern baldness, however, works differently in that it rarely leads to complete hair loss. Usually there is a general thinning of hair on the top and sides of the scalp. The receding hairline, common in men, is usually not seen in women with androgenetic alopecia.

Just a bald head?
Hair on the scalp entails a lot of symbolism, and „healthy hair” is usually associated with the qualities of good looks, grace, beauty, class and strength. Moreover, hair can be a symbol, both in terms of cultural background and social affiliation. For example, monks typically shave their heads, and Orthodox Jewish men wear traditional peyals to demonstrate status among their peers.
The problem of baldness often causes a great deal of psycho-emotional and psychosocial stress, especially in relation to anxiety, depression, social phobia and personality disorders. Ironically, hair loss can cause these psychological disorders, but the disorders themselves can also trigger or worsen hair loss – leading to a vicious cycle. Common, life-changing effects of hair loss include embarrassment, humiliation, low self-esteem, altered self- and body image, and reduced social engagement. This in turn has been shown to lead to reduced leisure and outdoor activities and decreased involvement in hobbies to avoid negative emotions, leading to self-isolation, anxiety and depression. Clinical symptoms, functional behavior and emotional stability, as well as anxiety and fear of hair loss, affect a person’s quality of life. These serious psychosocial consequences can cause intense emotional suffering, as well as personal, social and work-related problems.
Home remedies
People all over the world are obsessed with their hair and hair treatments, leading to the development of various hair products, ranging from hair oils, tonics, anti-dandruff shampoos to serums, lotions, etc. it is difficult to choose the right routine for your hair. However, there are many researched home remedies for baldness.
Onions are known to contain the mineral zinc, which helps prevent dandruff. It reduces oil secretion on the scalp, inhibiting hair loss. It is beneficial for those suffering from patchy baldness. Hot peppers contain bioactive compounds called capsaicin and isoflavone, which increase the production of growth hormones in hair follicles, which promotes hair growth. We can use paprika by crushing it, mixing it with olive oil and vinegar and applying it to the scalp. This is said to help hair growth.
Formulations containing hibiscus are used to promote hair growth. Studies have found that both hibiscus leaf and flower have stimulating properties. This effect is achieved due to hibiscus’ follicle-enlarging properties. The flower extract can be applied to the hair with every bath. In animal studies, green tea (Camila sinensis) was found to inhibit hair loss and promote hair regrowth. In some parts of the world, it is already used as a home remedy for hair growth. The leaves can be steeped in warm water and applied to the scalp.
A cure for hair? HASCOVITA
Instead of using home remedies, you can also turn to proven solutions. Hascovita oil is a popular preparation for hair loss, which contains nearly 30 active ingredients, mostly of plant origin. Properly composed, it helps reduce the symptoms of androgenetic alopecia. This is achieved by stopping the overproduction of DHT (the active form of testosterone). Excess DHT damages the hair bulb, impairing its structure and growth. Regular use of this product will not only provide a solution to hair loss, but also effectively prevent its recurrence.
Studies conducted on a large group of volunteers confirm the positive effects of Hascovita oil treatment. In 75% of cases, the effects are satisfactory at the end of the treatment. Eight weeks after the end of the treatment, all participants confirmed that hair loss had stopped to a safe level of natural hair loss of about 100 hairs per day. Experts in the field of dermatology and trichology are also positive about Hascovita oil. They claim that Hascovita oil contains everything hair needs to grow, so it restores the healthy appearance of hair and increases its density and thickness.

Reclaim your hair – HASCOVITA hair spray
Spray Hascovita oil is available in spray form. It should be applied directly to the hair or hands and spread evenly over the entire scalp. The recommended daily portion of the product should not be exceeded, keeping in mind that what matters is regularity and regularity of use, not a single application.
Using Hascovita is extremely simple. All you need to remember is three steps:
Press the pump three times to dispense the product. You can do this directly on your hair or on your hands if that is more convenient for you.
Start massaging the oil into your scalp. Perform a scalp massage for about 3 to 5 minutes.
You may feel the heat, as the product contains cayenne extract! The capsaicin causes the scalp to heat up! Remember that Hascovita does not require washing or rinsing after use, so it is a good idea to use the product on freshly washed hair.
Hascovita gel should bring measurable results already within the first month of use. Get rid of hair loss problems in a simple and natural way to feel healthy and confident!